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Workers’ Compensation: How to Maximize Your Claim

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A work injury can leave you with several medical bills, days or weeks of missed work time, as well as stress over how to finance your living costs. Fortunately, you’re entitled to benefits by way of your employer’s workers’ compensation policy. You have a lawful right to compensation for your lost wages and medical costs, and there are specific things you can do to get the most out of your workers’ compensation claim.

Understanding The Worker’s Compensation

Workers’ compensation is meant to help safeguard businesses and the businesses workers when a work-related accident occurs. And since workers’ compensation differs from organization to organization, understanding the available benefits is very advantageous to you.

Here are some of the most usual workers’ compensation benefits experienced by most organizations:

  • Temporary Disability – This benefit is paid while you’re off work and are still recuperating from your injuries.
  • Permanent Disability – This refers to compensation for lifelong physical impairments caused by the accident.
  • Vocational Treatment – This is the necessary and reasonable medical care for sustained injuries.
  • Medical Treatment – This is the job retaining as well as the help required to get a job within the organization you work for that’s within your job restrictions.
  • Mileage – This is the compensation you receive to cater for your traveling to and from the doctors’ appointments as well as any other workers’ compensation-related travel.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

Maximizing your worker’s compensation claim necessitates taking appropriate steps. Missing some of these steps might make you lose the benefits you’re entitled to. Here are some six practical tips to help you make the most out of your claim.

1.  Inform Your Employer About the Injury

There’s not enough reason to put off telling your employer you were hurt while working. This is because the more you wait, the harder it becomes for your employer or even the workers’ compensation insurance organization to believe your claim. Since it’s unlawful for your employer to harass or fire you because of reporting an injury, it’s crucial to report immediately the injury occurs.

2. Get Medical Attention as Quickly as You Can

If you’re hurt on the job, seek immediate medical attention. You should not wait to see if you’ll get better. This is because any delay in seeking medical attention can give the insurance company a reason to deny your workers’ compensation claim.

3. Speedily File Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

Simply notifying your employer that you were injured is not enough. You need to file a workers’ compensation claim. Once you’ve informed your employer about the injury, you’ll be given a workers’ compensation claim form. Be sure to accurately fill out the form in its entirety, since an unfinished form can slow the compensation process.

4.  Change or Choose Your Physician

Often, you’re expected to choose an authorized physician from your employer’s insurance company. If you’re not comfortable with the care you’re receiving from them, you can switch doctors. You’ll just need to tell the workers’ compensation insurance adjuster before commencing care with a new doctor.

5. Be Specific and Consistent with Your Statement

Be ready to explain how the accident occurred. Explain to every medical practitioner you interact with how exactly you acquired the injuries while at work.

Be specific, honest, consistent, and don’t make excuses for your symptoms or injuries. This is because the insurance company has experts who will go through the medical records to find any reason to limit your compensation or deny your claim.

6. Be Ready for an Independent Medical Examination (IME)

Your employer’s insurance organization may ask you to go for an IME that’s usually conducted by one of the insurance organization’s doctors at any time. Always remember that the IME doctor is working to help the insurance company, not you. And the only reason the insurance company wants this done is to receive expert advice concerning your ability to go back to work and stop receiving benefits. Refusing to go for an IME can lead to immediate termination of the benefits, and so it’s always crucial to be ready for it.

Denied Workers’ Compensation Claim

Your workers’ compensation claim can be denied. Notwithstanding, this should not worry you a lot. Sometimes a claim can be denied because of a paperwork mistake. Other reasons why a claim can be denied include:

  • Missed deadlines
  • Differences about whether the injury is work-related
  • Your condition may not have met the state guidelines
  • You filed the claim after leaving your job

So once you receive the letter notifying you that the claim was denied, look closely for the denial reasons. If it’s a paperwork mistake, you can contact the claims adjuster to clear the problem, though this works if the insurance company or the employer admits the mistake. More likely, you’ll need a lawyer to help you know if an appeal is a right thing to do at that time and, if so, help you appeal the denial.

We’re Here for Your Support

If you’ve been injured while working, we might be able to help you get the compensation you warrant. Whether you need help from the start of the process or your claim has been denied, we have the right knowledge and resources you need to get a successful outcome.

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