Florida Workers' Compensation Lawyers

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Palm Coast Workers' Compensation Lawyer 

Each day, workers’ near Palm Coast, Florida endure accidents and injuries while on the job. While some situations may only cause minor injuries and no missed time from work, others are more serious and lead to debilitating and life-changing injuries.

Unfortunately, this type of situation can result in debilitating injuries that impact your life and ability to work and earn an income now and in the future.

If you find yourself in this situation, you may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits, along with additional compensation. At this point, we recommend contacting our legal team at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. for assistance.

We will help you get the benefits and compensation you deserve for workplace accidents and injuries.

Related Article: 3 Common Questions about Workers’ Compensation in Florida

Palm Coast Florida Uses a No-Fault Workers’ Compensation System

If you are injured in the Palm Coast area of Florida while on the job, you don’t have to worry if your injury resulted from your carelessness or negligence. Palm Coast Florida’s workers’ compensation insurance program does not take fault into account. Instead, it is focused on where the incident occurred.

Workers’ compensation benefits will pay for incidents that occur while you are working, even if the accident was your fault.

Many injured workers are pleased to hear that the workers’ compensation system isn’t interested in placing blame. However, there are situations when a worker may have suffered an at-work injury that was not their fault and become frustrated when the workers’ compensation system doesn’t investigate the cause or who was to blame.

This is one reason why working with our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys is so important. With the help of our legal team, you can feel confident that we will work to help you achieve the desired outcome for your case.

Common Causes of Workplace Injuries in Palm Coast Florida

On-the-job injuries can happen in restaurants, in an office, on a construction site, and at virtually any other job site where people work to earn a living. While there are countless reasons an accident may happen, some of the most common causes include the following:

  • Defective or faulty parts or products
  • Failure to follow the proper, outlined procedures
  • Unsafe working conditions
  • Inadequate training or supervision
  • Involvement in a vehicle accident while operating a company vehicle

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Laws in Palm Coast Florida

Florida law requires most employers to provide workers’ compensation to injured people if they sustained the injury while working. The workers’ comp benefits compensate for all accident-related medical bills and lost wages.

If your injury was caused by a third party (someone who is not your employer), you might be eligible to file a claim for compensation while still receiving workers’ comp benefits and social security disability benefits.

The rules and laws related to Palm Coast Florida workers’ compensation cases can become complex. Because of this, it is recommended that you use the services of an experienced attorney to help you receive the compensation you are entitled to.

Related Article: How Do I Know if I’m Eligible for Workers’ Compensation?

Why Fault Isn’t Considered near Palm Coast Florida Workers’ Compensation Cases

Palm Coast, Florida’s workers’ compensation insurance program was created to work quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively (especially compared to the traditional legal system). In other situations, if you are hurt, and the incident that caused the harm was not your fault, you can sue for damages (in many cases). Unfortunately, this process can take years. One reason for this is that there’s disagreement regarding who was at fault and what a fair settlement value would be.

Without this system, a workers’ compensation attorney may have to argue and negotiate for years to achieve a fair settlement. This is what the workers’ compensation program near Palm Coast Florida works to prevent.

One way your workers’ compensation claim is fast-tracked is by eliminating the need to assign fault. If the incident occurred at work while the injured party was working, the claim could move forward. Another way Palm Coast, Florida’s workers’ compensation program helps to speed up the process is by using set formulas to determine a fair amount of compensation. The program attempts to apply these formulas fairly and consistently for all workers’.

Additionally, while the formulas are simple and easy to understand, the benefits paid to an injured worker don’t account for pain and suffering. Without this stipulation, it may be months or years before a worker would receive benefits.

As you can see, the workers’ compensation system is set up in a way that benefits injured workers’. With this program, you can get the benefits you need without having to worry about factors like fault or negotiating for a fair settlement.

Hiring a workers’ compensation attorney from Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. will help you better understand Florida law and how it works to protect your rights.

Related Article: Why Doesn’t Workers’ Compensation Cover Pain and Suffering?

Common Workplace Injuries

On-the-job injuries can take on many forms. Some of the most common reasons these occur are because of third-party negligence, employer negligence, and construction accidents (to name a few).

The workplace injuries that a person can sustain range from bruises and sprains to more serious injuries that require hospitalization, surgery, and even fatalities. Some of the most common on-the-job injuries seen today in workplaces throughout Palm Coast, Florida include the following:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Severe lacerations (cuts)
  • Back injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Hearing loss
  • Elbow, wrist, shoulder, and arm injuries
  • Burns
  • Broken bones
  • Electrical shocks
  • Eye injuries
  • Amputations
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Wrongful death
  • Paralysis
  • Slip and fall

Each of the injuries here has the potential to be severe, with many being life-changing. There are also other injuries you may sustain that aren’t included on this list.

Related Article: What Injuries Are Covered by Workers’ Compensation in Florida?

Your Right to File a Third-Party Negligence Claim

Some workplace accidents and injuries can be the result of third-party negligence. This happens when a product is defective or faulty, if you experienced it on someone’s property because of hazardous conditions, or if your injury is caused by the negligence of a contractor (a person who your employer does not employ).

With third-party negligence claims, it may be possible for you to file a lawsuit against the negligent entity. Examples of a third party include the manufacturer of the defective or unsafe equipment, the property owner where the incident occurred, or another contractor or company whose employee resulted in the incident.

Why Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Is Beneficial for Your Situation

Workers’ compensation benefits aim to help workers’ who can’t return to work because of an on-the-job accident or injury. Our legal team at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. will help clients receive the benefits needed to rebuild their lives and heal.

Some of the legal services we offer our clients who are injured while on the job include:

  • Understanding of Palm Coast, Florida’s workers’ compensation laws
  • Adherence to the rules and regulations of the workers’ compensation program
  • Appealing a denied claim and providing representation in court
  • Obtaining services from a doctor or necessary medical testing
  • Filing a third-party injury or negligence claim
  • Helping clients recuperate lost wages due to a workplace accident
  • Filing for social security disability benefits on an injured workers’ behalf

Without an attorney, navigating the complex legal process associated with workers’ compensation claims may be challenging.

Related Article: What if You Are Denied From Workers’ Compensation Claim?

You Lose the Right to Sue by Accepting Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Receiving a fair amount of compensation quickly probably sounds like a good deal after a workplace injury. In most situations, the injured worker appreciates how the workers’ compensation works in the Sunshine State. Usually, benefits cover medical bills and will typically pay enough to ensure a worker can meet their financial obligations as they remain at home to recover.

However, there is a price.

When you accept workers’ compensation benefits, you are giving up your right to sue your employer or the insurance company that provides the workers’ compensation insurance to your employer. For some, this can be a hard fact to accept. This is especially the case if the injured worker believes their employer is at-fault or responsible for their accident and injury and that they should receive compensation for their pain and suffering. It’s also challenging to accept this if an injured employee believes their employer won’t learn from the incident (and prevent it from happening again) unless they are required to pay compensation for what happened.

While this may be the case, a workers’ ability to sue their employer for any work-related accident and injury is extremely limited  near Palm Coast, Florida.

Related Article: Meeting Florida Workers’ Compensation Benefits Requirements 

Let Our Experienced and Reputable Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Help with Your Claim

After being involved in an on-the-job accident and sustaining injuries, you may wonder what options you have. At Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A., our legal team is ready to help you receive the benefits you are entitled to for your workplace accident and injuries.

We understand the law and will fight for your rights while ensuring you understand the process and what you are entitled to.

If you are injured at work, contact our office to schedule a free initial consultation. There’s no obligation, and we will help you with the complex legal process seen in most workers’ compensation cases.

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If You have suffered a work injury you are entitle to medical expenses, wages and even a lump payment. Your Have Rights.