Florida Workers' Compensation Lawyers

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When and Why You Should Hire A Workers Comp Lawyer

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When you have been injured or suffered a work-related illness, the process of getting your rightful compensation should be straightforward. However, that’s not always the case given the breadth of workers’ comp laws in the Sunshine State. While Florida law does not require an injured worker to hire a workers comp lawyer when filing a workers’ comp claim, getting one can improve your odds of receiving your benefits. Only an experienced Florida workers’ comp lawyer can protect your rights if your employer or their insurer decides to dispute your claim.

When to hire a Florida workers’ comp lawyer

Although you could handle your Florida workers comp claim without a lawyer, some situations call for the guidance and expertise of Florida workers’ comp lawyers. Some of these situations include:

  • Your claim gets denied: Insurance carriers can deny claims for various reasons, some of which are invalid. An experienced Florida workers’ comp lawyer can help you challenge their denial.
  • The insurance company demands that you give a recorded statement: If the insurance adjuster demands you record a statement after filing a work injury claim, it would be best to involve an attorney who can guide you so you don’t make a mistake that can damage your rights to compensation.
  • Your employer threatens to retaliate if you file a workers’ comp claim: If your employer is threatening you with consequences if you file a workers’ comp claim, contact a workers comp lawyer immediately to protect your legal rights.
  • Your permanent disability rating is disputed: The most significant portion of a workers’ compensation settlement is awarded as temporary or permanent disability benefits. The benefits are calculated depending on your permanent disability rating from your treating doctor, which the insurance carrier may dispute. 
  • You are having trouble getting medical help: Some insurance companies will often delay or deny approval for expensive medical procedures to save on costs. An experienced team of Florida workers’ comp lawyers can help you pressure the insurer to provide timely approval for all necessary medical treatments for your work injury.
  • You suffer catastrophic injuries: Catastrophic injuries usually lead to temporary or permanent total disability that can be very costly to the insurance companies. And for that reason, insurance carriers will do anything to keep you from getting what you deserve. Always ensure that you work with reliable Florida workers’ comp attorneys when filing for catastrophic injury claims.

Florida Workers’ Comp statute of limitations

Your right to file for compensation for a work-related injury does not last indefinitely. In Florida, the statute of limitations (the time limit within which to file a workers comp claim) is two years from the date of the work accident.

If your workplace injury was so severe that you didn’t realize the statute of limitations has expired, you shouldn’t despair. Instead, talk to an experienced Florida workers’ comp lawyer to establish if you still have other options available such as getting an extension.

Why hire a Florida Workers Comp Lawyer?

woman injured on the job received claim denial letter
Your Florida workers comp lawyer can help you when your claim is denied or your medical treatments are delayed.

Although it is possible to pursue your benefits without hiring an experienced lawyer, working with a reliable team of Florida workers’ compensation lawyers can make your chances of recovering a fair settlement for your damages much higher.

A workers’ comp lawyer helps you pursue your claim while allowing you to focus on your physical health and recovery, which should be your top priority. Better still, a lawyer can help you avoid the complex and costly mistakes that may arise when dealing with your employer’s insurer.

Other reasons that make hiring a skilled Florida workers comp lawyer necessary include the following:

  • Insurance can be complex and complicated, and you don’t want to make costly mistakes.
  • The opposing side has attorneys ready to fight your claim so you should equip yourself with an workers comp attorney who can fight back.
  • A Florida workers comp lawyer is familiar with the state’s court systems and everything to do with how to succeed in a worker comp claim.
  • Most workers comp lawyers work on a contingency plan basis, so you don’t have to worry about legal costs upfront.

What exactly does a workers comp lawyer do?

The Florida’s worker comp process should be smooth. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case but an experienced Florida workers’ comp lawyer can help you when things get complicated. When filing a claim, your workers’ comp lawyer will: 

  • Handle the paperwork.
  • Inform you on what to expect and what is needed to succeed in your claim.
  • Help you gather and present the evidence, including witness testimonies, doctors’ reports, and any other evidence relating to your case.
  • Develop a winning strategy.
  • Negotiate with the insurer in case the claim is settled without going to trial.
  • Prepare you on answering questions in court.
  • Provide compassion and emotional support throughout the process.

Considering that most lawyers will offer a free initial consultation, it wouldn’t hurt to consult one if you suffer an injury on-the-job. During the consultation, your lawyer can advise you on whether your case needs legal representation or not. 

Ready to hire an experienced Florida workers comp lawyer?

If you have suffered a work-related injury or illness in Florida, there’s no need to panic. Our team of qualified Florida workers’ comp lawyers at Sternberg/Forsythe, P.A., can help ensure you receive all the benefits and compensation you are entitled to. When you hire our team, we’ll fight aggressively against your employers’ insurance company and defend your rights to compensation. Contact us online or give us a call today to schedule your free consultation.

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