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What Qualifies as a Psychological Disorder?

Scott J. Sternberg and Associates P.A.

Did you know that if you have a mental or psychological disorder that prevents you from working you might be entitled to compensation and social security benefits? Some psychological disorders are considered impairments, much like a physical handicap or other condition, which may qualify an individual to receive social security benefits and compensation.

Find out how a qualified and professional attorney at Sternberg / Forsythe, P.A. can help psychologically or physically impaired or handicapped individuals apply to receive social security benefits and compensation and represent their case as needed and required.

Which psychological disorders qualify individuals to receive disability and social security benefits?

There are fourteen defined categories of adult impairments and mental conditions that qualify individuals for social security disability benefits. These categories provide guidance to applicants, caregivers, and evaluators, and even qualified attorneys acting on behalf of applicants or those individuals in need.

One of the fourteen categories includes mental disorders, which can include any of the following disorders and conditions:

  • Organic mental disorders
  • Somatoform disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Substance abuse disorders
  • Autistic disorders and other pervasive developmental disorders
  • Schizophrenic, paranoid, and other psychotic disorders
  • Affective disorders
  • Mental retardation
  • Anxiety-related disorders

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), almost 1.5 million people received social security and disability benefits for mental disorders in 2010. Although a great deal of individuals seek out and receive social security disability benefits, the process through which to apply can be complicated. This is just one reason why having a professional and experienced social security benefits attorney fighting for you on your side can increase your chances and get your case heard.

One reason why obtaining benefits can be so strict and difficult is because it can take a great deal of research and evidence such as medical documentation to support any social security disability claim. Unlike physical disability, it can take a larger effort to prove the existence and presence of a mental disorder.

If you are an individual who currently suffers from one or more of the above mental disorders that you believe prevent you from working in the state of Florida, the legal team at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. can help. Our professional and skilled attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help individuals achieve the benefits they need and are rightfully entitled to.

Clients and potential clients should also know that Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. take on and handle Security Disability claims on a contingency fee basis. This means our clients don’t pay a dime to us in legal fees until they receive proper compensation for their social security claim. We recognize the troubling hardships that many of our clients face when dealing with a physical or mental impairment. For those particular clients who are physically or mentally impaired and cannot travel to one of our offices and locations, we will make the trip to you to discuss your case.

Social Security Disability Attorney West Palm Beach

If you have questions about a potential social security disability claim, contact West Palm Beach social security disability attorney at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A.by calling one of few offices in Orlando, West Palm Beach or Boca Raton 561-687-5660 or visit us online to learn more about how our legal team can help you, and to set up a free initial, no-obligation consultation and interview where we review your claim and arrange and organize a case.

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