Florida Workers' Compensation Lawyers

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Florida Longshoremen Injury Lawyers

You’re Willing to Take the Risks – Our Florida Longshoremen Lawyers Are Willing to Help You Receive Compensation

Longshore Injury lawyers for Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Cape Canaveral

Longshore workers or employees perform backbreaking and dangerous work – loading and unloading cargo on docked ships. They operate cranes and heavy machinery, secure containers and shovel bulk cargo like coal or gravel.

During the course of their employment, they can sustain injuries of nearly every kind – from back injuries to bone fractures, from chemical burns to crush injuries, from brain injuries to death.

If you are willing to take the risks to work such a job, we believe you should be swiftly compensated for any injuries you incur while working. If you are injured as a harbor worker, dock worker, stevedore, cruise ship worker, ship builder, crane operator or longshore worker, Workers compensation is not usually an easy process.

Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. can help. Our vast experience with Workers compensation cases will put you at ease and give you the chance to recover from your injuries without added stress. Call today at 561.687.5660 for a consultation at no cost or obligation. We are a no win, no fee firm.

What is the Longshore and Harbor Workers compensation Act?

Florida Longshoremen Lawyers

The Longshore and Harbor Workers compensation Act (LHWCA) is part of the law that fills the gap left between the Jones Act (which only protects those at sea) and state Workers comp laws. If eligible for benefits under the LHWCA, you can collect compensation for your medical expenses and any damages incurred due to your injury. However, you must act quickly – you only have 30 days to file an injury report with your employer, and one year to file with the Department of Labor.

Maritime law is complex and confusing, so it is best to hire a lawyer experienced in maritime matters for the best results in your case or claim.

Florida Longshoremen Attorneys With The Experience You Need

Are you battling with insurance companies? Have you been denied benefits? Have your benefits ended too early? Then you need to speak with a qualified attorney right away. Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. focuses on obtaining comprehensive Workers compensation benefits to injured longshoremen. Call us today at 561.687.5660 for a consultation. Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. serves clients in the greater Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Stuart and Cape Canaveral, FL areas.


If You have suffered a work injury you are entitle to medical expenses, wages and even a lump payment. Your Have Rights.