Navigating the roadways of your area can be a dangerous experience. Most people fail to realize just how many hazards they face on the road each day. Car accidents are a very frequent occurrence, and statistics show you will have at least one accident in your lifetime. In some cases, the injuries you have will not be evident right away. Delayed injury symptoms are a very common thing and can affect your life in a very negative way. The following are some of the symptoms you may experience after a car wreck.
Constant Headaches
A headache is one of the most common symptoms you will have following a car wreck. This ailment can be an indication of a variety of different injuries. The best thing you can do when experiencing this problem is to schedule a doctor’s appointment right away. Neglecting to get your headaches diagnosed can lead to a number of adverse health consequences. In some instances, a headache can be an indication of serious problems like blood clots on the brain or even concussion. The faster you can get your headaches diagnosed, the easier you will find it to get on with your life following an auto accident.
Shoulder and Neck Stiffness Might be Whiplash
Among the most common injuries, people have after a car accident is whiplash. Some of the most common symptoms of this condition is a stiffness in the neck or shoulder. Usually, this condition will only get worse if it is not treated properly. This type of injury is usually a result of a rear-end collision. In most cases, medical professionals will diagnose this condition with x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. Getting treatment for this debilitating condition right away is important and can help to minimize some of the discomfort you feel.
Back Pain is Common after a Car Accident
If you start to experience severe back pain following a car accident, then you may have damaged vertebrae, nerves or even ligaments. During a collision, your body will be thrown about and contorted. This can lead to a number of muscle pulls and ligament tears. Doctors can diagnose the back pain you are experiencing and get you the treatments needed. Delaying a visit to the doctor for this type of condition will only lead to more injuries to your back.
Swelling or Pain in Your Abdomen
When pain and swelling are present in your abdomen after your wreck, you may have internal bleeding. If the pain is accompanied by deep bruises, dizziness or even fainting, you need to seek out medical attention right away. Internal bleeding can cause severe injuries and in some cases death. Getting treatment right away is important and can minimize the damage you do to your body.
Professionals at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. have helped a number of clients get monetary compensation following an auto accident. The best way to find out what your best move is after an accident is by scheduling an appointment with us today.