Getting Sanitation Workers’ Who Have Been Injured on the Job the Most Compensation
Sanitation personnel have hazardous duties, whether they are collecting trash and recyclables, getting rid of hazardous chemicals, or preparing meat and poultry. Each sector has particular risks that might result in significant sickness or harm to employees. Our skilled sanitation worker injury lawyers at Sternberg | Forsythe P.A. assist all categories of workers’ who have sustained work-related illnesses and injuries in obtaining the benefits to which they are entitled. To arrange a free consultation with one of our sanitation worker injury lawyers, contact us at 561-264-1031.
Is the Sanitation Industry Risky?
There is an increased risk of serious or fatal injuries for sanitation workers’ who drive garbage collecting vehicles or use compaction equipment. Risks in this line of work include exposure to dangerous chemicals, equipment breakdowns, falling off of equipment, being trapped, or being run over. Employers have a responsibility to reduce risks, which includes advocating appropriate safety procedures, maintaining equipment, or removing dangerous cars from the road to prevent accidents. Workers’ compensation benefits are due to cleanup personnel that sustain workplace injuries.
The process of gathering trash and recyclables can be dangerous in a number of ways. Workers’ may come into contact with hazardous materials and chemicals that are dumped in the trash they collect.
Workers’ on cleanup or collection crews run the danger of being struck by other drivers who try to pass garbage trucks as they fill up the rubbish. Additionally, waste collection vehicles frequently hit or run over workers’. According to the CDC, most fatalities during waste collection involve vehicles. People who fall from collection trucks or are hit by or driven over by waste vehicles account for around 36% of fatalities involving automobiles. When a waste truck is backing up, almost 18% of deaths occur. Workers’ are more likely to be hurt when a truck or compactor has mechanical issues since they might get lacerations, fractures, and in extreme circumstances, limb amputations.
Workers’ may trip and fall while on the road due to icy conditions, spilled oil, chemicals, or debris. However, a buildup of oil and substances that are not immediately cleaned up can also result in workers’ falling at the garage or their physical place of employment, such as a sanitation warehouse.
Common Injuries Related to Sanitation Work
In Florida, a garbage collection workers’ duty includes driving from neighborhood to neighborhood in a truck to collect recyclables, trash, and broken furniture. Larger vehicles frequently include motorized arms to hoist garbage bins and roll-out trash cans. To speed up the collecting process, workers’ who manually empty trash cans commonly ride on the exterior of garbage trucks. Some trucks contain machinery for compacting.
While some solid trash collectors are hired by private solid waste firms, others work for municipal governments. All solid waste employees are at risk for workplace injuries due to the physically demanding nature of the job.
Injuries that frequently occur during the collecting of trash and recyclables include:
- Head trauma
- A fall injury
- Trauma caused by getting hit by a car
- Slashes and abrasions
- Crush wounds
- Getting hit by items
- Back problems
- Muscle aches
In order to understand whether or not your specific injury could qualify you for workers’ compensation, it would be best to consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer.
What Are Some Common Sanitation Worker Accidents?
Accidents are frequent in the dangerous profession of garbage collection. Among the frequent accident kinds are:
automobile collisions The risk of being struck by a car while working as a garbage collector is very high. In the process of doing collection rounds, several employees continuously climb aboard and off of garbage trucks. In the event that a collector is in a blind area, they run the danger of being hit by a garbage truck backing up or a passing car. A driver who fails to see the garbage collector in time to prevent a collision might strike the worker as they step out of the rear or front of the truck. You could be entitled to submit a claim against the negligent driver’s insurance in addition to getting workers’ compensation payments if you were struck by a passing car while at work.
- Lifting – Collection workers’ who carry thousands of loads each week may suffer from back pain, muscle tears, and other wear-and-tear ailments.
- Falls — When hopping out of a truck, a garbage collector might stumble or make an unusual movement that causes them to twist their ankle, break their foot, or fall to the ground. If a garbage collector falls out of a truck and hits his head on the ground, he might have severe back or head injuries.
- Contact with Equipment – The physical strain on employees is reduced by garbage trucks with hydraulically propelled arms that empty trash cans into the truck’s hopper. However, there are dangers associated with the moving mechanical arms. The robot arm might strike and seriously hurt a worker. Additionally, solid waste carriers’ compaction machinery puts workers’ at risk for crush accidents.
- Exposure to Infection – Contact with sharp materials and broken glass found in trash can cause workers’ to suffer major wounds and lacerations. Injuries caused by used syringes that result in needle sticks to the body can potentially expose workers’ to dangerous infections.
Regardless of how the accident happened, the skilled workers’ compensation attorneys at Sternberg | Forsythe P.A. may be able to assist you in obtaining full benefits for your workplace injury. Even if you were labeled as an independent contractor by your employer, you may still be eligible for workers’ compensation payments.
What Should I Do If I Am Injured While Working in the Sanitation Industry in Florida?
If you have an injury, you should inform your employer as soon as you can following the incident. You must provide written notice of the injury within 30 days. In accordance with Florida law, employers are obligated to cover the cost of medical care for workers’ who sustain an injury while on the job.
You need to notify your employer and get help as soon as you can. Except in the event of an emergency, you must seek care from a physician on a list given by your company. Within roughly two weeks, you ought to begin getting workers’ compensation payments if your injuries prevent you from working.
You have the right to appeal the denial of your claim for workers’ compensation benefits by your employer or the administrator of the workers’ compensation insurance program. Now is the time to speak with an experienced attorney.
The workers’ compensation laws in Florida are intricate. Our lawyers are available to speak with you if you have particular inquiries concerning your eligibility for workers’ compensation payments. After a traumatic injury, speaking with an expert attorney can help you better understand your legal rights.
The lawyers at Sternberg | Forsythe P.A. are board-certified experts in Florida workers’ compensation law. Our lawyers can explain how the law applies to your situation and utilize their expertise to your advantage. If your injury claim was refused, we can assist you in going through the steps to obtain workers’ compensation benefits. We help customers all around Southern Florida.
Our Sanitation Worker Injury Lawyers in Florida Can Take On Your Case
Workers’ who collect garbage and solid waste provide a crucial community service. Solid trash collection workers’ are prone to a wide range of workplace accidents and injuries since they must do their duties in all sorts of weather. Workers’ who gather trash might sustain catastrophic injuries if they fall or are hit by a passing car. The pressure of carrying hefty items might lead to injury for a waste collector. Is your employer covering the cost of your medical care if you have an injury while working as a waste collector? You might have to take time off work and lose money.
Workers’ compensation benefits, which often include compensated medical treatment and partial replacement of missed pay, are generally available to solid trash collectors who sustain an injury while doing their duties. Whether you work for a private solid trash firm or the municipal government, you can get workers’ compensation payments. You should seek the advice of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer if you have been hurt and are having trouble receiving workers’ compensation payments following a workplace accident. The initial consultation is cost-free and without commitment.
The Sternberg | Forsythe P.A. sanitation worker injury lawyers can analyze the specifics of your accident and go through the best course of action. Our legal staff will respond to your inquiries and go over your eligibility to request workers’ compensation payments with you. To learn more, give us a call at 561-264-1031 right now or fill out our online contact form. Southern Florida is home to the offices of Sternberg | Forsythe P.A. Within 24 hours of your call, a lawyer will get back to you.