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After A Car Accident in Florida Who Pays My Medical Bills?

Florida Car Accident

There are so many different details to deal with in the aftermath of a serious Florida car accident that it’s easy to overlook one of the biggest impacts of the accident will have on your life and that is in terms of expensive medical bills.

If you have recently been injured in a West Palm Beach car accident, you probably have many questions about who will be responsible for paying for your medical bills. Learn more about how this impacts you and your ability to recover below.

If You Have an Active Florida Auto Insurance Policy

If you were recently injured in a West Palm Beach car accident and you are a named insured individual on the car insurance policy, you can initiate personal injury protection claim under no-fault rules. For your Med-Pay and your insurance coverage this will provide you with greater opportunity to be covered for your medical bills.

Most Florida drivers are already aware that they are required to purchase PIP coverage through their auto insurance company. While PIP coverage is required and often the first form of coverage you’ll receive after an accident, you may have bills that exceed the PIP limit.

If this is the case, you need to consult with a lawyer immediately. A lawyer can help you understand Florida’s PIP rules and where you may be eligible to pursue additional funds with a third-party claim.

Med-Pay mandates you need to make the claim against your own insurance company as a result of the relationship you already have with that company.

If you have additional injuries you may also need to file a third-party claim. A third-party claim can help to give you the support you need to focus on recovery from your injuries. Your doctor can provide you more information about your prognosis.

Your personal injury protection will pay for up to $10,000 in protection. Usually your PIP coverage will cover approximately 80% making you responsible for the other 20%. You may also have a deductible which is usually the first $1000 or $2000 of your bills.

This is usually covered by health insurance or Med-Pay coverage, in the event that you are responsible for the fault claim against the other driver’s insurance company if he or she was responsible for the accident.

Also Read: 5 Things to Know Before You Talk to the Insurance Company

Med-Pay Claims

Med-Pay is an optional insurance coverage you can select, but many drivers in Florida do not have Med-Pay coverage. This is usually very beneficial to supplement your existing coverage to protect you with medical expenses above the $10,000 PIP maximum.

Med-Pay will cover you, any pedestrians that you strike and any of your passengers in the event of an accident.

Personal injury protection insurance helps you recover compensation for your medical bills. You normally need to submit a PIP claim within a specific period of time so you should never delay the process of making a claim. Contact your insurance company immediately after the accident and request a PIP claim form.

Fill out this form and return immediately to your insurance company. It is not necessary to wait until you finish any medical treatment to submit the form and your medical bills do not have to be complete at this time. As you incur additional medical bills, you can send them in as you receive them.

Frequently Asked Question About Car Accident Attorney

What If I Do Have a Third Party Claim?

If you have medical costs or a third party claim that exceeds your PIP coverage, you need to consult with a West Palm Beach car accident attorney immediately.

This is strongly recommended so that you can get appropriate help and so that you can initiate the claims process and begin to recover compensation sooner rather than later.

Contact An Expert West Palm Beach Auto Accident Attorney Today

Since serious car accident injuries may result after being involved in any West Palm Beach car crash, you need to speak to an attorney about whether or not it makes sense for you to move forward with a third party claim. Having a knowledgeable attorney who has handled cases like this before is strongly recommended.

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