Florida Workers' Compensation Lawyers

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When to Hire a Worker’s Comp Attorney in West Palm Beach

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Workers Comp Attorney 1

Although worker’s compensation laws are supposed to provide fair and timely compensation for injured employees, unfortunately it’s become a system that mostly benefits employers and insurers.

Many employers and insurance companies have highly experienced attorneys working alongside them to make sure they pay as little as possible in worker’s comp benefits – and sometimes, none at all.

On the other hand, a seasoned worker’s compensation lawyer can help you get all the compensation you deserve, despite how hard the employers, their insurance companies, and their own attorneys might work against you.

Hiring a Worker’s Compensation Lawyer in West Palm Beach

Below are some of the most important times to hire a West Palm Beach worker’s comp attorney :

  • Your employer denies your worker’s comp claim or discriminates against you in the form of demotion, reduced hours, pay cuts, or termination. Do not put up with worker’s comp denial or workplace abuse.
  • You don’t promptly receive your benefits. If you don’t receive your worker’s comp benefits when you need them or at all, contact a worker’s compensation attorney.
  • Your worker’s comp claim doesn’t cover all of your medical bills or lost wages. Never rely on worker’s compensation to determine whether your settlement is sufficient to cover your bills. A skilled worker’s comp lawyer can make sure you get all the compensation you need and deserve.
  • You’re unable to return to your former job or are unable to perform any work at all due to your medical issues. Depending on your disability, you could be eligible for weekly worker’s comp payments for the rest of your life. Because this is expensive, insurance companies often fight hard against your rights to these payments.
  • You receive Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. Without proper structure of your worker’s compensation settlement, Social Security could be entitled to a certain portion of your worker’s comp benefits.
  • You have a third-party claim, too. For example, if you’re involved in an auto accident while driving a company vehicle, you might be eligible for worker’s compensation as well as a civil suit against the at-fault driver of the other vehicle.

Your West Palm Beach Worker’s Comp Attorney Responsibilities

A highly skilled worker’s compensation lawyer can help you:

  • File all necessary worker’s comp paperwork and meet filing and other deadlines.
  • Develop and present medical evidence. Injured employees often rely on the physicians recommended by their employers and insurance companies—whom may not be exactly unbiased.
  • Help you to find real independent doctors.
  • Estimate the worth of your worker’s compensation case and possible settlement offers.

If you need to file a worker’s compensation claim or have been denied worker’s comp, contact the West Palm Beach worker’s compensation attorneys at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. right away.

Hire A Workers Comp Attorney West Palm Beach

Serving the Palm Beach, Boca Raton, and Orlando areas, we offer daytime, evening, and weekend appointments to best serve you. Give us a call at 561-687-5660 or contact us online to schedule your consultation.

West Palm Beach Office:

560 Village Boulevard
Suite 270
West Palm Beach, FL, 33409
Phone: 561-687-5660
Fax: 561.687.2283

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