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When Can I File a Lawsuit Outside of Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

When Can I File a Lawsuit Outside of Workers Compensation Benefits 1

It’s likely that you have been told multiple times that the only thing you can do when injured or sickened on the job is file for workers’ compensation benefits. For the most part, this is the general rule of law, but there are some exceptions. These exceptions make it easier for you to file a lawsuit to receive additional compensation or compensation that is in place of the benefits that will be paid by your employer’s insurance company. Today, we will discuss the exceptions to the rule for filing a lawsuit outside of workers’ compensation benefits.

What are the Exceptions?

The exceptions to the rule for filing a lawsuit outside of workers’ compensation include the following:

  • Injured by a toxic substance on the job? You could be allowed to file what’s known as a toxic tort lawsuit against the company that manufactured the substance that sickened or injured you.
  • Were you injured by a defective product on the job? If so, you could be allowed to file a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer of the product.
  • Did a third party cause the injury you suffered? If so, it’s possible you could file a personal injury lawsuit against said third party.
  • Does your employer not carry insurance for workers’ compensation? If so, you might be able to file a civil lawsuit against your employer to obtain compensation.
  • Did intentional conduct from your employer lead to your injury? This could be grounds for filing a personal injury lawsuit against your employer.

The benefits of filing a lawsuit outside of workers’ compensation benefits are numerous. For starters, you will be able to collect more money than what the benefits will provide you. The award from a lawsuit will be much higher than any Social Security disability benefit payments paid to you as well. The money from a lawsuit can help cover your monthly expenses, medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and much more. If you were injured to the point of paralysis, you could use the money to renovate your home to make it handicap accessible.

Call Today to Speak with an Experienced Attorney

When you suffer an injury on the job in Florida it’s important that you protect your rights immediately. Notify your employer of your injury and then contact your workers’ compensation attorney from the firm of Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A., Attorneys at Law. Call the office at 561-687-5660 to schedule your initial consultation today. The sooner you speak with an attorney, the sooner you can begin the compensation recovery process. We are conveniently located at 560 Village Boulevard, Suite 270 in West Palm Beach, Florida. We are dedicated to our clients and have the experience necessary to answer your questions so you have a strong understanding of the law and the benefits you are legally entitled to in Florida.

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