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What Is the Role of Mediation in Worker Compensation Settlements?

If you were injured on the job, you applied for Worker compensation benefits and your claim was denied, you have the right to contest the denial of benefits.

Once you have been notified that your claim has been denied, you can file a Petition for Benefits with the Florida Department of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). Before the DOAH assigns the case to a judge for a hearing, the parties must attend a mediation to discuss the Petition for Benefits.

Alternative dispute resolution options such as mediation offer another avenue for settling Worker compensation disputes. Rather than arguing both sides of the issue in a courtroom before a judge, the parties sit at a conference table and endeavor to come up with a mutually beneficial resolution to the problem.

The employer, with their insurance carrier and their attorneys, and the plaintiff and his or her attorney attend the mediation, which is conducted by a mediator. A mediator is a neutral third party whose role is to guide the parties towards a mutually beneficial solution. A mediator might be a retired judge, a lawyer or a certified mediator whom the parties have selected.

What’s discussed in mediation is confidential and it cannot be held against you if there is a hearing before a judge at a later date. The mediator does not issue any ruling on the case. The goal of mediation is to resolve any issues related to the case, or settle the matter entirely. If the parties agree to a settlement, the report is sent to the judge and the case is closed. If the parties resolve some of the issues, but do not agree on a settlement, the report is sent to the judge, who will order a trial.

If you are preparing to appeal the denial of Worker compensation benefits, an attorney from Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. can advocate for your rights and fight for a fair settlement for you.

Offering skilled legal assistance with Florida Worker compensation settlements

If you are denied Worker compensation benefits, our attorneys are committed to helping you appeal your claim. From our offices in West Palm Beach, Orlando and Boca Raton, Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. serves clients throughout the state of Florida. We are dedicated to offering high-quality legal services for our clients who are seeking Worker compensation, disability and other benefits. Call us at 561..5660 or contact us online today.

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