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Statute of Limitations on Your Florida Workers’ Compensation Case

Sternberg Statute of Limitations on Your Florida Workers Compensation Case 1

When you are injured at work, there is no question that it can be a confusing and difficult time. You may be losing wages and have a pile of medical costs to deal with. The good news is, you may also be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. However, in order to collect these benefits, you have to take the appropriate actions within a certain period of time. Learn more about this here.

According to the Florida Workers’ Compensation Act, there is a statute of limitations that lasts two years, then followed by a one-year statute of limitations. The initial two-year period requires that the injured worker receives indemnity benefits of authorized medical services, or that they file a Petition of Benefits to receive the benefits, within a period of two years after the date their workers’ comp accident occurred.

After the initial two-years has passed, it is converted to a one-year statute of limitations. What this means is that the person cannot let a year (or more) go by without getting seen or treated from their authorized provider.

Authorized Providers in Your Workers’ Compensation Case

A provider is only considered authorized if they have been approved by the workers’ comp insurance company to offer treatment to the injured worker for a certain case. An injured person is not allowed to receive treatment from someone who has not been authorized. If the injured individual allows a person to let more than one-year pass without getting any type of treatment from an authorized provider, the case is closed under the Statute of Limitations. What this means is that they will not have the right for any further medical treatment or monetary benefits.

What to Do if You are Owed Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you are receiving, or should receive, workers’ compensation benefits, you should not allow a six-month period to pass without receiving treatment from your authorized provider. This will ensure that the Statute of Limitations does not expire.

In addition to seeking care and treatment, you should also contact a worker’s compensation attorney. They can help ensure that you receive all the benefits you are due, regardless of when your injury occurred at work. The statute of limitations may be confusing to some, which is why it is best to have legal representation to ensure you don’t accidently let this time period expire.

The Benefits of Hiring an Attorney for Workers’ Compensation Benefits

The attorney that you hire will be able to help you understand what rights you have and make sure that you don’t miss any important deadlines related to your case. Keep in mind, the right attorney matters, so take the time to find one who has experience with these types of cases. They will have the ability to help you receive all the benefits you deserve, regardless of your claim and the related complications.

If you need help with your workers’ compensation case, make sure to contact the attorneys at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. by calling 561-687-5660.

Additional reading

Workers Compensation Premiums Could Fall in Florida: What That Means for You

You Need a Workers Comp Attorney, Even If You Are Injured While On the Clock

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