Florida Workers' Compensation Lawyers

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How Much Are Payments for Lost Wages?

Lost Wages 1

Many individuals who have been hurt at work want to know how the workers’ compensation system in Florida works. How do I file? When will I receive my benefits? When can I return to work? What if I can’t return to work? How much will my payments be? These are just some examples of the workers’ compensation questions we receive from injured victims after work-related accidents.

In the state of Florida, the workers’ compensation lost wages benefit rate is set at 66 and two-thirds percent of what a worker earned on average for a minimum of thirteen weeks prior to a work-related accident. This is only a little more than half of an individual’s average earnings!

Many individuals quickly realize that the current workers’ comp rate isn’t enough to sustain a living or keep up with obligations and responsibilities prior to an accident. In addition, with medical bills, expenses, and other costs associated with an accident also to consider, individuals also begin to sustain financial losses and damages in addition to their physical harm and injuries. As a result, what seemed like an innocent accident turned ugly…

While every individual and worker is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits after a work-related accident or injury, the system itself isn’t perfect. In some cases, what seems like a minor work-related accident or injury at work can in fact turn into a full-blown personal injury case.

Talk with a Legal Team at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A.

How can you tell the difference between a simple workers’ compensation claim and a personal injury claim? And what are the legal options associated with both?

To learn more about workers’ compensation benefits and claims and even personal injury claims in Florida, contact the legal team at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. today at 561-687-5660.

Call us to schedule a complimentary initial consultation and case evaluation, and also watch this quick video here.

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