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How Long and How Much Will Workers’ Comp Pay in Florida?

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Have you been injured at work in Florida? If you have, then you can seek workers’ compensation paid on behalf of your employer in the state. Workers’ comp in Florida enables you to offset the high expenses you had to pay for your medical care and rehabilitation. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Florida has had at least 200 reports of occupational incidents yearly since 2010. With the current projections as they are at the time of writing, this figure can only increase with the time. As an employee in Florida, these statistics suggest that you are at risk just from being at work.

In the event of an injury, employees can claim workers’ comp in Florida. Employers are bound by law to offer this for injuries. The amount entitled to employees is on a case-to-case basis, depending on factors like the injury and the degree to which an employee is disabled. The same applies to the length of time workers’ comp in Florida pays injured employees. 

If you have been injured on the job, you need to be aware of the amount you can recover. Also, you need information on how long you can benefit from it to plan your recovery and return to work appropriately. 

Read on to learn more about workers’ comp in Florida. 

Why Makes Seeking Workers’ Comp in Florida Important? 

In the event of an injury at work, you will need immediate medical attention. As you seek treatment for your injuries, your employer may not pay on your behalf initially. Quite likely, you or your health insurance provider will have to shoulder the costs of your treatment. 

In Florida, there is a coverage cap for how much most health insurance providers will pay for your treatment and recovery. According to Value Penguin, the maximum treatment coverage stands at $10,000. 

While this may seem like you are insured for a large amount, here are a few things to consider: 

First of all, the BLS’s most recent statistics tally a high number of severe occupational injuries, with some leading to death. $10,000 may be more than sufficient for a few stitches, a sling, or an emergency room visit. However, if you need surgery, your treatment and recovery will cost a lot more than what your insurance provider will pay. 

You may be covered for the first $10,000, but you need to pay out of pocket for the excess. With surgery, you may be paying thousands of dollars out of your pocket. 

The other reason is that health insurance does not shoulder wage losses. While you are recovering, you may not be receiving your wages. Right away and with the costs of treatment, you are in a difficult financial situation. To offset the financial burden, you need to be reimbursed for the time you were out on work restrictions. workers’ comp in Florida also pays for wage-loss benefits. Hence, a successful claim will reimburse you for the weekly or monthly wages you were not able to earn. 

How Much Does Workers’ Comp in Florida Pay? How Long Can Workers’ Comp Benefits Pay? 

The exact amount varies, and so does the duration within which you can receive benefits. Usually, the basis for the amount you can recover depends on your injury and the level of impairment or disability. 

Temporary Disability

Imagine that you sustained an injury by lifting a heavy box. As you hauled the box, you noticed a clicking sensation on your left knee. After loading the box, you went to the doctor to learn that you sustained patellar inflammation as a result of the activity. 

An inflamed kneecap may not be permanent. Nonetheless, it can put you on the sidelines temporarily. In this scenario, you sustained what is called a temporary disability. A temporary disability is the result of an injury from which recovery is possible — but only after time has passed. 

A temporary disability rating is given to injuries that prevent you from working for at least 21 days. Between the injury and the time of recovery, you are entitled to a maximum of $970 for each week you are not able to work.

On this benefit, you can receive monetary benefits for up to two years. Of course, this stops once a physician declares your full recovery, at which point you can go back to work. 

Permanent Impairment

Permanent impairment means that your injuries are lasting, preventing you from working how you did before the injury. This rating is given by a physician after they have determined that you have reached maximum medical improvement. 

Maximum medical improvement represents the point at which no further improvements can be made to the restoration of an injured part. A permanent impairment rating can be issued after you have sustained an injury that seemed temporary. 

If your injuries lead to permanent impairment, you are entitled to receiving 75% of your weekly wages on temporary disability. Like being on temporary disability benefits, you can receive permanent impairment benefits for a maximum of two years

Permanent Total Disability

Permanent total disability means that your injuries are so severe that they keep you from working any job. On permanent disability benefits, you will receive your weekly wages until you are 75 years old. The exact amount is the same as the amount for temporary disability. 

You will be entitled to this benefit regardless of your qualifications and eligibility for Social Security. 

Are There Other Benefits Included in Workers’ Comp in Florida? 

The answer to this question is “yes.” Besides wage-loss benefits and medical coverage, other benefits are part of workers’ comp in Florida

Rehabilitation and Retraining

Workers’ comp also pays for rehabilitation and retraining. Rehabilitation and retraining hasten the recovery of injuries. In the case of permanent injuries, retraining provides alternative skills a worker can use for other types of jobs. 

Death Benefits

In the event of death, workers’ comp will pay the deceased employee’s spouse, children, or other dependents. The amount payable is roughly 33% of the deceased employee’s total wages. Workers’ comp will also shoulder funeral costs of up to $7,500. 

Maximize Getting Workers’ Comp in Florida with an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Getting workers’ compensation may be within your rights. However, in Florida, filing a claim on your own will lead to lowball deals and settlements. 

At Sternberg Forsythe, we specialize in winning our clients the right compensation for their injuries. If you have a claim, we have the experience. 

Reach out to us now and maximize winning your workers’ compensation claim in Florida. 

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