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Quick Ways to Solve the Workers Compensation Problem

Quick Ways to Solve the Workers Compensation Problem01 1

Worker’s compensation problems can be quite difficult and complex. Therefore, if you are an employer with a worker’s comp claim, you should not handle it alone; hire an attorney.

In fact, an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced can guide you through the entire process. In many cases, you only have to provide the details of the incident, which will be required by the attorney to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.


The First Sign of Trouble

An experienced worker’s comp attorney is aware that the first sign of a problem is when the employee has reported an injury and the employer is hit with an exorbitant bill from the insurance company.

Of course, the insurance company is looking out for its best interest and not that of the employer. So, if the employer reaches out for assistance from the insurance carrier, it will fall on deaf ears.

Be aware…While you try to find out what to do, the insurance company is not waiting around to see what you will do.

Finding a Solution

Finding the appropriate resolution to a worker’s comp problem can be quite challenging if an employer doesn’t have the help of an attorney. The reason for this is there are various areas in which a worker’s comp issue can occur; therefore, it can get quite complicated.

The Rights to Begin

A workers’ comp attorney knows that as soon as an employee becomes injured, the employee is supposed to receive a claim form. This should be done within 24 hours of the injury. So, the attorney will take the reins and ensure that this happens. An employee can sue on the grounds of not receiving proper written information about their rights. With an attorney on board, the employer will have all the ‘I’s dotted and ‘T’s crossed.’

Don’t Play Games

An employee will receive worker’s comp benefits if injured in the workplace, regardless of whose fault it was. However, many employees will try to seek monetary damages for mental anguish, pain and suffering. Not to say that this is not the case for the employee, but the attorney has to protect the rights of the employer, in an event that the employee is trying to play games.

Be aware…Many employees will try to sue for additional compensation, even if they are not really suffering as much as they claim.

Protect Yourself

It is important then for employers to be protected from lawsuits which would increase the insurance premiums and result in a loss of profits. To be protected, hire a good worker’s comp attorney for a quick solution prior to going to any court of law to defend a lawsuit brought on by a possible disgruntled and upset employee.

Line Yourself Up

Remember that the worker’s comp system is governed by state law and does offer protection to employees. Therefore, the employee does have the right by law to file a lawsuit for additional compensation as long as it can be proven. The employer has to already have a lawyer in place to find the appropriate resolution that is quick and effective.

Be advised…An attorney is also able to defend against worker’s comp fraud. You need an attorney on your side if this occurs.

Dealing with Doctors

Most workers’ comp cases are handled medically by doctors that the insurance company hires. What does this mean for the employer? Well, the doctor is working in the best interest of the insurance company, but also the employee. Why? Most doctors like the guaranteed pay check and the possibly longevity of the process.

A Worker’s Comp Attorney on your Side

An attorney can help you cut through the red tape to ensure that the doctor is ethically diagnosing and treating the employee. The longer an employee is treated for an injury, the more money comes out of the employer’s pocket. The legitimacy of the injury and the length of treatment are important and should be addressed in an unbiased way. You will need a good attorney on your side in a situation like this.

If you need the assistance with resolving a worker’s compensation problem with your employee, the insurance company and doctors, an experienced attorney can assist you. The attorney will dispute any issues you are concerned with and provide knowledge as well as a good strategy to find the best solution. Consult a worker’s comp attorney at Sternberg Law Office at 561-687-5660 today!

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