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Are All Employers Required to Have Worker Compensation Insurance Coverage?

How Much Do Employers Pay for Workers Compensation Insurance

Worker Compensation Insurance is purchased by business owners to pay for any workers compensation claims that may occur due to on-the-job injuries or adverse conditions developed while working. This is generally a mandatory form of insurance designed to protect workers more than anything else.

Hospital bills can be expensive, and if a company is financially unable to pay for an injured Worker treatment, it could be a problem for all involved—the worker isn’t treated and the business is financially disabled. Like mandatory auto insurance, Worker Compensation insurance requirements make sense on a macroeconomic level. If your employer does not have Worker Compensation insurance, it is most likely in violation of the law.

Exceptions to the Rule

There is, however, one important exception. If a business employs three or fewer employees, it is not required to provide Worker Compensation insurance. This may be trickier to figure out than it appears, as independent contractors and seasonal workers do not count as employees under the law. Before you are injured and attempt to file a Worker Compensation claim, you should know if your employer has Worker Compensation coverage.

While you are always legally eligible for Worker comp if you are injured on-the-job, the process may be trickier if your employer doesn’t have insurance to cover your claim. Contacting a lawyer and sharing all the information you have is always a good idea if you are seeking to make a Worker Compensation claim.

There may be other exceptions that vary from state to state and county to county. Laws regarding insurance and Worker comp are generally overseen by state, city or county officials, so be sure you consult with a Worker comp lawyer who knows the legal details in your area.

Our firm offers guidance before your claim is filed and skilled representation through each level of appeal if you are denied deserved benefits. Our attorneys provide comprehensive counsel to help you better understand your claim, and we have the knowledge and experience to handle the many issues of the workers’ compensation process:

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