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5 Workers’ Compensation Mistakes to Avoid

Workers Compensation Mistakes 1

Any kind of injury can leave you reeling. When you’re injured on the job, however, the anxiety and stress is even worse. Your livelihood is on the line. Dealing with physical pain, a growing stack of bills, and time off work can all be overwhelming. In some cases, people just want to put the accident behind them, so they move forward without taking the time to assess just how badly they were hurt.

Workers’ compensation is designed to make injured workers whole, but getting a claim pushed through the system is frequently an intimidating prospect for people unfamiliar with how the process works.

If you’re confused about your claim, it’s important to speak with an experienced West Palm Beach workers’ compensation attorney. A knowledgeable lawyer can help you get full compensation for your injuries. Your lawyers will help you avoid these common workers’ compensation mistakes.

Neglecting to Report Your Injury

You must report your injury to your employer as soon as possible. Failing to report your injury could significantly jeopardize your workers’ compensation claim. You should report any workplace injury, even if you are uncertain of its severity. Don’t assume your injury is not serious enough to qualify for compensation. In many cases, injuries get worse over a few days or even weeks.

Also Read : Don’t Waste Time! Why You Need to Report Your Workers’ Comp Claim Now

Failing to See the Correct Doctor

If your injury happened on the job, your employer has the right to choose your doctor. To qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you must also undergo an examination performed by the physician selected by your employer’s insurance company, your employer selects.

You may choose your own doctor if your employer fails to pick one, but the doctor you choose must be qualified to diagnose your type of injury. For example, you can’t see an obstetrician if your workplace injury consists of a broken leg. The doctor must have the proper credentials to treat your type of injury.

Not Seeking a Second Opinion

Although workers’ compensation law requires you to see the doctor your employer chooses, it also entitles you to obtain a second opinion. If you disagree with the diagnosis or opinion of the first doctor, you have the right to seek a second doctor’s opinion.

Your employer has the right to choose the physician who will provide the second opinion. In some cases, these follow-up opinions are key in getting the compensation you need.

Refusing to Follow Work Restrictions

In some cases, doctors restrict workers’ compensation patients from performing certain activities. If your doctor places restrictions on you, it’s very important to abide by them. The insurance company may try to show that you are able to perform work and activities that your doctor has prohibited you from doing. Failing to comply with these restrictions can hurt your workers’ compensation case.

Keeping Information from Your Doctor

Be honest with your doctor. This is not the time to hold anything back. Clearly and completely describe your pain, your symptoms, and how your injury prevents you from performing tasks. Many individuals are raised to “toughen up” or “get over it” when they’re hurt. If you fail to fully communicate with your doctor, however, you could damage your claim.

Your West Palm Beach Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury Attorneys

The personal injury and workers’ compensation attorneys at Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. help people get the compensation they need to move forward after a work injury. Our lawyers fight hard on behalf of injury victims and their families.

If you have been denied workers’ compensation benefits, or you need to pursue a claim, we can help. We are West Palm Beach workers’ compensation attorneys dedicated to helping people get the compensation they deserve.

Visit here to learn more about the workers’ compensation process in Florida, and how a West Palm Beach workers′ compensation attorney can help you through this process.

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