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What are My Benefits Options as an Injured Worker?

Most Florida employers carry workers compensation insurance, which entitles workers to receive benefits for medical treatment and lost wages. However, benefits also vary depending on the injury.

Types of benefits options

Sometimes with workers compensation, employees experience delays, denial or other problems, such as not receiving adequate compensation. A Boca Raton Worker compensation attorney can help injured workers overcome obstacles like these and receive appropriate benefits.

Florida Statute 440.15 Compensation for disability establishes four categories for disability:

* Temporary Partial Disability (TPD). TPD are benefits workers may receive when their doctor evaluates they can work part-time doing the same job or a different job involving lighter work. When workers earn less than 80% of their average weekly wage, they are eligible for TPD benefits and can receive them for a maximum period of 104 weeks when in combination with TTD wages.

* Temporary Total Disability (TTD). TTD are temporary benefits workers may receive when a doctor evaluates they cannot work at all for a temporary time because of the injury. Workers can receive two-thirds of their average weekly wage for a maximum period of 104 weeks when in combination with TPD wages.

* Permanent Impairment Benefits (PIB). PIB is for workers whose temporary benefits have ended, but they remain impaired. To receive PIB, doctors must evaluate that the worker has reached maximum medical improvement, which means further treatment cannot improve their condition. Doctors use percentages to assign the degree of impairment. PIB compensation is based on the impairment percentage, the amount of work employees can do and other reduction calculations.

* Permanent Total Disability (PTD). PTD applies to workers who suffer a permanent disability and are unable to work at all. Insurance pays two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly wage throughout the disability period, generally ending when the person reaches age 75. When doctors evaluate that workers cannot even do sedentary employment within a 50-mile radius of where they live because of physical incapacity, they are eligible for PTD benefits.

Working to maximize your benefits

At Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. helping clients received workers compensation benefits as entitled by law is one of the main focuses of our practice. We offer services to clients through our West Palm Beach, Boca Raton and Orlando offices in Florida.

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