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Tips for Reporting Injuries at Work

Tips for Reporting Injuries at Work 1
Tips for Reporting Injuries at Work 1

When you are injured on the job you need to report it immediately. The longer you wait to report an injury the less likely it is that you will be able to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Even though there is a statute of limitations you should not push the limit when it comes to reporting an injury. Reporting an injury at work is not difficult. You simply need to speak with a supervisor about what happened. Today, we will provide you with some important tips for reporting injuries at work so you don’t make a mistake in doing so.

Speak to a Supervisor Immediately

The most important thing you can do when it comes to reporting workplace injuries is to speak to a supervisor as soon as possible. If the injury is serious enough you might not get a chance to speak to a supervisor, especially if you are being transported by ambulance to the hospital. If you can call your supervisor or write them an email about the incident and injury, be sure you do so as soon as possible so you don’t forget any of the details surrounding the incident.

Document Everything That Happened

Do your best to document everything that happened related to the incident. If you are not severely injured you should take pictures of the scene where the accident occurred, your injuries, debris from the incident and anything else that might help your case when filing for workers’ compensation benefits. Be sure to send these pictures to your attorney. They will need them for any investigation they conduct into the accident.

Report the Incident in Writing

Talking to your supervisor on the phone or in-person are two great ways to report a workplace accident, but you will want to get everything in writing. It’s not uncommon for people to easily forget conversations they have with an employee, especially if there’s a lot going on in the office at the time. Putting notification of the accident and injury in writing, either via email or on company letterhead, can ensure that the supervisor will not forget about the report. It creates a paper trail for investigators to follow if your benefits are denied.

Write a Thorough Report

Once you have the ability to write an accident or incident report after spending time in the hospital you need to write one that is thorough. Do not leave out a single detail about the accident that led to your injuries. The report should include any event leading up to the incident, the events that were involved in the incident, and the events that took place after the incident. Your written description should be detailed enough that the reader can visualize everything that happened during the incident.

Schedule a Consultation with an Attorney Today

Were you injured on the job in Florida? It’s important to not only report the accident and subsequent injury to your employer but also speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Contact the team at Scott J. Sternberg P.A., Attorneys at Law, today to schedule a consultation about your case.


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