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5 Most Common Miami Professional Work Injuries 

Sternberg 5 Most Common Miami Professional Work Injuries

If you work in a “professional” industry, such as a lawyer, doctor, or even an office worker (for example), you may mistakenly believe you are immune from workplace accidents and injuries. This is not the case.

While construction workers and those in other physical positions may be more at risk for injuries, people in all positions and all injuries can be injured while on the job.

You are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if you have been injured at work. If you need help securing these benefits, our Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A. legal team is here to help.

Here you can learn more about the most common Miami professional work injuries we see.

1. Overexertion Injuries

Overexertion injuries are extremely common for professional workers. These typically occur when lifting heavy objects. Examples of how these happen include nurses or nursing home employees moving or adjusting patients or office workers moving heavy boxes or equipment.

If you experience overexertion due to repeated work activity, you may develop a cumulative trauma disorder, like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis.

You can help prevent these types of injuries by using smart lifting and carrying practices, which include keeping loads close to your body, bending at your hips, and avoiding twisting or overreaching with your body. You should also stretch and engage in conditioning exercises to help prevent these injuries.

2. Slips, Trips, and Falls

Friction, certain types of flooring, and changes in levels can increase the likelihood of slip, trip, and fall incidents. Changes in the surface of the floor and debris can also cause these incidents.

When you are walking, be sure you can see what is ahead and remove any hazards or obstructions you notice. You should also stay aware of your surroundings (which means avoiding looking at your phone while walking) to help reduce the possibility of these accidents.

Your employer should provide ongoing training to help prevent falls and ensure the proper equipment is provided (in some situations), like dollies for moving large office equipment or patients.

3. Transportation Related Incidents

If you operate a vehicle as part of your employment, you must obey all traffic laws to protect yourself and others on the road. You should also always wear your seatbelt, know what the weather is like, and engage in training provided by your employer.

These accidents can result in serious and even life-changing injuries, which is why you deserve to receive compensation if you find yourself in this situation.

4. Lacerations

There are many ways that professional workers can be punctured or cut by instruments, tools, machines, and more. Even plants and animals can cause these injuries.

A laceration often needs medical attention and stitches to heal properly. If you have to seek emergency treatment for this, the cost can be significant, which is why you should file a workers’ compensation claim. You can have these costs covered with these benefits.

5. Inhaling Toxic Fumes

Some people in professional positions work with hazardous chemicals regularly. These can cause eye or skin irritation or more serious breathing problems. If you work with harmful fumes, you must ensure you are in a well-ventilated area and use the proper protective gear.

If you experience an injury, be sure to report it to your employer right away. This will get the workers’ compensation claim process started.

What to Do After a Workplace Accident and Injury

You have rights if you are involved in an accident on the job and experience an injury. One right is to recover compensation for your injuries. Florida’s workers’ compensation system is a no-fault system. This means that even if you are partly to blame for your injuries, you can still receive workers’ compensation benefits.

The first step after being injured is to report it to your employer. You should ensure the report is in writing and given to your employer as soon as possible.

You should also seek medical attention immediately. There are a few reasons for this. For example, by immediately seeking medical attention, you connect the injury to your time at work. This provides concrete proof of when your injury occurred and how severe it is. If you wait to seek medical treatment, the insurance company that provides workers’ compensation to your employer may state that the injury was not work-related.

Also, with medical treatment, you can show the severity of the injury and how it will impact your life now and in the future.

Contact Our Legal Team for Help

If you are hurt on the job, you should contact our legal team for help getting the benefits you deserve. At Sternberg | Forsythe, P.A., we can provide the legal representation you need and deserve.

Cases like this can be complex, especially if the insurance company denies your claim. We can help with this and work to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

The first step is to contact our office to schedule a free initial consultation. During this meeting, we will review your situation and help develop a strategy to pursue your claim. Our team has years of experience handling cases like this and will work to ensure you have the costs of your injury covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance.

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